We are taking a look at some of the strange stories of the Bible, not just because they are strange, but because we believe that the Bible is God’s word to us. So if these stories are in the Bible then apparently God had a reason for putting them there. We have been following this idea that God calls us to be holy like
He is holy. God sets the bar pretty high and expects us to passionately pursue Him. He expects us to respect our elders and to control our emotions. In this lesson we discussed how God helps us to live this holy life and why living this holy life is so important. We did it by taking a look at the life of a prostitute.
We started out by reading Hosea 1:1-3 and discussing a few questions.
- What does God tell Hosea to do?
- Do you think this was a strange request?
- How do you think you would have responded if you were Hosea?
- How do you think you would have responded if you were Hosea’s friends and family?
- Who did Hosea marry?
- Why did God tell Hosea to marry Gomer? (Because the land is guilty of the vilest adultery.)
Next we read Hosea 1:4-9.
- What are the names of Gomer’s children?
God gives Gomer’s children 3 very descriptive names:
- Jezreel means “God will scatter” and the valley of Jezreel was the site of many bloody battles.
- Lo-Ruhamah means not loved.
- Lo-Ammi means not my people.
Imagine going through life with names like this. “What’s your name?” “Not loved, and this is my brother, not my people.” But once again we see that God is teaching his people through the life of the prophet Hosea.
We read Hosea 3:1-4 then.
- What is God’s command to Hosea this time?
- What has happened to his wife? (Apparently she has either gone back to her former place as a prostitute or has been taken back, but either way she has once again become unfaithful and is apparently owned by someone.)
- What does Hosea have to do to get her back? (He has to buy her back.)
- After Hosea married Gomer who did she belong to? (OK, this isn’t the best question for a 21st century audience, but Gomer belonged to Hosea as his wife. It's more of having a place to belong than an ownership thing.)
- So why did Hosea have to buy her back? (Because she had walked away.)
- What parallels to this story can we make about how God deals in our own life? (You are a creation of God. You were made by Him and for His purposes. As such you belonged to God from the beginning. But instead of sticking with God and loving Him like He loves us we have decided to chase after other lovers.)
- What are some of the things that teenagers chase after other than God? (Popularity, drugs and alcohol, relationships, pleasure, technology, etc.)
These other things may seem good for a while, but ultimately they can never satisfy us and ultimately we become enslaved by them. They get control of us. We get trapped by our sin and someone needs to come and get us out. Jesus is the price to buy us back. We were a creation of God, we belonged to Him, but each one of us have turned from God and chased after sin and stuff to the point that the Bible says we are slaves to sin. That is where Jesus comes in. He pays the price of his own life to redeem us from that slavery. Just like Hosea had to buy back his wife, God bought our way back to Him with the blood of Jesus. But here is the interesting thing. We don’t want to go back to Him. We like the things that we are doing. But God knows something very important. God knows that the things we are doing will ultimately hurt us. So He does everything that He can to try to turn us back to Him. He does this because that is what a loving father does.
God told Hosea to go and marry an adulterous woman because the people of God had turned away from Him. The relationship of Hosea and Gomer mirrors God’s love for us. It takes a look at how God will lead us into the desert and remove all of the distractions from our lives so that he can “woo” us again.
Hosea 2:5 - Their mother has been unfaithful and has conceived them in disgrace. She said, ‘I will go after my lovers, who give me my food and my water, my wool and my linen, my olive oil and my drink.’
In Hosea 2:5, Gomer’s actions are saying “these other things are giving me what I want and need.” It is like us saying “Being this person's girlfriend or boyfriend makes me feel loved and valued. Putting others down makes me feel like I am important. Being a part of this group is giving me the acceptance I need and I will
do anything they ask me to do so that I can be included.”
Hosea 2:6 - Therefore I will block her path with thornbushes; I will wall her in so that she cannot find her way.
- What does God say he will do?
Hosea 2:7 - She will chase after her lovers but not catch them; she will look for them but not find them. Then she will say, ‘I will go back to my husband as at first, for then I was better off than now.’
- What does she say she will do?
Hosea 2:8-13 - She has not acknowledged that I was the one who gave her the grain, the new wine and oil, who lavished on her the silver and gold—which they used for Baal. “Therefore I will take away my grain when it ripens, and my new wine when it is ready. I will take back my wool and my linen, intended to cover her naked body. So now I will expose her lewdness before the eyes of her lovers; no one will take her out of my hands. I will stop all her celebrations: her yearly festivals, her New Moons, her Sabbath days—all her appointed festivals. I will ruin her vines and her fig trees, which she said were her pay from her lovers; I will make them a thicket, and wild animals will devour them. I will punish her for the days she burned incense to the Baals; she decked herself with rings and jewelry, and went after her lovers, but me she forgot,” declares the Lord.
God doesn’t stop opposing her. He doesn’t immediately give her good things. God knows that she is only coming back to get a quick fix. She hasn’t learned a lesson yet, she is just out for what makes her feel good. She is just coming back to God because she wants something from Him.
- Do any of you know people who treat God and church that way?
- Do any of YOU treat God and church that way? In other words do you go and live however you want and then when you feel a little guilty or when things start to fall apart turn quickly to God for help without ever really letting go of the stuff that is really killing you?
God says that He will do whatever it takes to remove you from that situation, even if it means that He has to strip you of everything so that you can wake up and see what is really hurting you. Sometimes we forget that God’s love means that He won’t leave us to get hurt. He will do whatever He has to do to make us healthy again. He will do whatever it takes to make us His.
The story doesn’t end with the tearing down of Gomer.
Hosea 2:14-18 - “Therefore I am now going to allure her; I will lead her into the wilderness and speak tenderly to her. There I will give her back her vineyards, and will make the Valley of Achor a door of hope.
There she will respond as in the days of her youth, as in the day she came up out of Egypt. “In that day,” declares the Lord, “you will call me ‘my husband’; you will no longer call me ‘my master.’ I will remove the names of the Baals from her lips; no longer will their names be invoked. In that day I will make a covenant for them with the beasts of the field, the birds in the sky and the creatures that move along the ground. Bow and sword and battle I will abolish from the land, so that all may lie down in safety.
God says that once she is in a place where she realizes that the stuff she has been craving is killing her; then He will speak softly to her and call her back to what is right. God desires for us to be holy. He is working in our lives to lead us to that place, because only when you are following God can you be free. God wants to redeem you from slavery. Will you keep chasing after stuff that will never satisfy you or will you turn to Him and let Him make you whole?
We don’t like to think about someone controlling our life and putting up boundaries on us, but everyone can agree that a young child needs boundaries. If a parent gives their toddler nothing but junk food or lets him eat nothing but candy we would call that person a bad parent. A good parent gives rules and makes their children eat healthy food. God gives us rules and guides us in ways that may not make us happy at first
(think of a child who is told he can only have one piece of candy), but He knows better than we do.
We ended our time together doing a cute skit called , "It’s Just a Little Tumor". It was a humorous
skit about a doctor who doesn’t want to remove a tumor because the patient would be inconvenienced. We talked about the skit then and how the kids felt about the doctor and whether or not they believed there were really people out there who would choose to live with a tumor than be inconvenienced by surgery.
We all feel that this doctor is being negligent for not doing the surgery, but we get upset when God wants to clean sin from our life. Sin is like a tumor in your heart. Sometimes it takes a little pain to remove it, but you will be better off if you let God take it out of your life.
This lesson ended our Gross, Weird and True curriculum. It's been interesting to say the least, but the lessons have been memorable hopefully and have taught us all some awesome truths found in God's Word...even when they're gross and weird!