Tonight we celebrated all we have to be thankful for with a dinner together and the reading of our thankful wall. The kids write on the thankful wall first thing each week at least one thing they are thankful for from the previous week. We've been doing this since ZG started in July. Tonight, as we fellowshipped and ate together, we reflected on what we have been thankful for. It was a good way to remember all of the blessings God has bestowed on us and all we have to be thankful for every single day, from the smallest of things to the bigger things. Here are just a few examples of what the kids have been thankful for. As you can see, they're not just material blessings, but blessings of family and friends and memories they have.
- My mom feeling better.
- My brother's birthday.
- Getting an A on my quiz.
- My brother getting out of the hospital.
- My friends.
- My sister coming home from college.
- Doing good in the science fair.
- Sleep.
- My eyelids (after Louie Giglio video).
- ZG pool party.