Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Thirsty for God

Pastor Billy spoke about being thirsty for God this past Sunday. Tonight we gave the kids packs of devotionals to last them through the upcoming week. We asked them to work through one each day. There is a required Scripture reading for each day and then text questions, self-examination questions, and often times prayer following their reading.

The kids were asked to bring back their packets next week to remain accountable as having done them. They will then be given a new packet for the next week. Our plan is to get the kids into the habit of being in the Word seven days a week through doing these devotionals for one month. Parents, please encourage them to do their devotional everyday and to bring it back each week.

They say it takes three weeks to make or break a habit. Our prayer for the kids is that they form the habit of spending time in God's Word daily now while they are young so that it remains a habit with them throughout the rest of their lives.