Tonight we talked about surrendering status, as Francis Chan helped the kids see that what people think of them is not more important than what God thinks of them. And that elevating the status of God is more important than elevating their own status. It's such a broad range of kids when we have homeschoolers mixed with public school kids. The homeschool kids can care less about status or being popular because they are not in an environment where it matters. But the honesty of the public school kids about their status, whether or not they care about their popularity and try to change their status, and how their status makes them was very powerful and made for some rich conversation.
Mr. Wes got Mr. Elliot, Mrs. Tara, and Mr. John to act out a situation as well that helped the kids see how very different people in a similar situation can be and act.
Here's the DVD short the kids saw tonight before watching Francis Chan.