We were very excited about tonight's lesson, and as God would have it, Billy's message Sunday led right into this week's lesson AND a big announcement we had for the kids. Tonight, both youth groups stayed together.
To start things off, we read Acts 13:1-13 and then we did a little role playing. We picked a John Mark, a Saul/Paul, a Branabas, a BarJesus, and a Sergius Paulus. The rest of the kids played the part of the Antioch church.
The "church" laid hands on Paul and Barnabas and sent them out into their mission field with John Mark. Sergius Paulus sent for Paul and Barnabas because he wanted to hear more about their God and His ways. BarJesus performed signs and wonders and did whatever he could to dissuade Sergius from finding the truth of these missionaries. With that, Paul rebuked BarJesus and pronounced blindness on him for his treachery.
We talked then about how, when we pray, God moves. We talked about Paul and Barnabas traveling together as missionaries because we're not called to be lone rangers on the missions field. Paul and Barnabas were committed. And they represented the entire church of Antioch who, in spirit, went with them. Christ had them set on a course and they went. In the same way, He has each of us set on a course and we too must go.
That's when we announced to the kids that next summer, from July 22nd to the 28th, we are going on a missions trip to Sautee Nacoochie Valley, Georgia. We talked about the commitment this would be for those who wanted to go and how we couldn't let distractions and a passive attitude about our call to missions make us like John Mark who chose to leave the mission field and go back home after traveling a short time with Paul and Barnabas. We spoke of the importance of obedience to God in His call on each of our lives.
That all being said, we also discussed how that didn't mean all of the youth would be going on this trip. Some might not see themselves as ready spiritually or mentally. Some may even not feel called to go at this point or have parents who believe they are ready to go. And that's not disobedience if God's will sought through prayer leads them to that conclusion.
We talked then about the preparations for the trip, gave the kids their information packets, including a trip application and code of conduct. We asked them to begin praying right now about their role on this team, be it as a member, a prayer partner, a fundraiser, whatever. We warned them that many BarJesus types would try to dissuade them from going, would feed them untruths about the trip and our mission, and try to distract them from the call of God on their lives. We reminded them that the key to tuning out the enemy and hearing the voice of God could be found through prayer, journaling, quiet times with the Lord, spending time in the Word, and meditating on Scriptures of truth.
The kids seemed very excited about this upcoming opportunity, as well they should be. We won't be redundant in the details, as your kids likely came home with all of the information you need. If there are any further questions not addressed in those materials, please do not hesitate to call Tara or I or Wes Crenshaw.
Please join with us now in praying for this trip, the mission these kids will have once there, each child's role and what God will do in and through each of them on this trip, as well as for the people they will serve in Georgia and all of the details from now until then....fundraising, heart preparation, spiritual readiness. We are certain of one thing...God will be glorified in Sautee Nacoochie Valley, Georgia from July 22nd through the 28th next summer! Hallelujah!