Paul was accused of turning the world upside down everywhere he went because he lives differently than the world lives. Acts 16:20.
- He tested everything and held onto the good. - 1 Thess. 5:21
- He was a good example. - 2 Tim. 2:15
- He was not a hypocrite. - 1 Tim. 4:16
- He had the right attitude. - 1 Peter 3:15-16
Thinking about how they saw things through the marble, we asked the kids:
- How is looking through the marble similar to looking through spiritual eyes?
- What things affect the way we view life?
- Many of Christ's teachings were opposite of what people expected, as were Paul's. What were some things that they taught that turned the world upside down for the early believers?
- What are some ways that Christ turns our world upside down?
- What are some events that cause a person's faith to be turned upside down?
- Describe a time when your faith was turned upside down.
- Has your view on anything changed since you became a Christian? What things have changed?
We watched a YouTube then about Tori Svenson, the eight-year-old little girl who has brain cancer. The Joy FM recently interviewed her and her parents. Their faith has been amazing. Her parents are even thankful that they were chosen for this journey, as it gives them a chance to give God the glory in all their circumstances and be examples to the world around them. God has turned their world upside down and now they are turning the world's upside down with their faith.
We turned the lights out in the room then and the kids saw a candle glowing in the corner of the room that they did not know was there all along. We read Matthew 5:14-16 and talked about how our light can turn a very dark world completely upside down if only we will be faithful to let it shine.
We ended our time together praying for Billy and Donna as they are on their mission to be lights in two very dark countries, England and Ireland.