We live in a malnourished world that is in great need of this life-giving "soul food".
So we have defined truth and we have talked about why knowing the truth is so important. As Christians, what does God expect us to do with that truth? That's what we talked about tonight.
To review just a little, we had a bowl full of rice and small safety pins. We blindfolded one of the kids and had them try to pick out only pieces of rice. It was harder than they thought! The rice represented truth and the safety pins were the lies. Sometimes, it can be hard to tell the truth from lies. That's why it's so important we know Scripture. I also had walked into class with some make-up smeared on my face. After a few of the kids said something to me, I finally pulled out a mirror to check. We talked then about how we are to be like mirrors, reflecting God's truths to other around us.
Now onto what we do with God's truth...
Think about the worst disease that has ever ravaged mankind. The one thing that kills millions of people
of all ages every year. It’s not a hypothetical illness or one-time outbreak of a horrible plague. It’s
cancer, and about 40% of people who die between ages 25-74 succumb to this disease. You may even
know someone who has suffered from cancer.
Now imagine that you learn about a cure for this terrible disease. How long would it take you to start
plastering this news all over Twitter and Facebook, telling everyone at your school, or even running up
and down the streets sharing the news with anyone who would listen?
Five seconds? Two seconds? Thirty-seven milliseconds?
Imagine you have just discovered something that will literally save the lives of millions of people.
What would you do to let the world know?
There’s another terrible disease afflicting the very heart of our youth. It’s ravaging their souls and
leaving them broken, empty and lost. You have inside your own heart the cure for that disease. Are you
willing to go to the same extremes to share that cure with the people you know?
God is looking for people who care about the things He cares for: reaching people who are in need of
the Savior. Having a heart for the things of God means being responsible. Instead of just walking by people in need, you realize that as a Christian, you are responsible for sharing, caring, loving, giving and ultimately
bringing people to Jesus....IN OTHER WORDS, SHARING THE TRUTH WITH THEM.
You don’t respond simply because somebody is telling you, “Please tell this person about Jesus,” or
“Please invite this person to Acquire The Fire.” You respond because your heart has grown big enough
to sense what God wants you to do, and then you do it.
We talked about how we share the truth with others then. It's not just about walking up to someone and asking, "Hey man, do you know Jesus?"
We played truth or dare then....ZG style, of course! Every youth was given a balloon. Inside the balloon was a tiny piece of paper that said either "truth" or "dare". It they got a truth balloon, we asked them a question they had to answer truthfully. "What's the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to you?" "What's the funniest thing you have ever gotten in trouble for?" "What is your middle name?" "What is your biggest fear?" Nothing too embarrassing and certainly nothing inappropriate. If they got a dare balloon, yep, you guessed it....they had to complete our dare. Stuff a marshmallow in your mouth and sing, "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star". Try to lick your elbow. Peel a banana using your feet. Act like a gorilla and pretend to pick bugs out of your friend's hair. Hold an ice cube in your hand until it melts. Go outside and yell, "I believe in fairies" loudly three times while clapping your hands as fast as you can.
Oh yeah, you had to be there!!