Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Responding to Times of Tribulation

1 Peter 4:12-13 - Dear friends, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal that has come on you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice inasmuch as you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed.

Tonight we talked about our attitudes during times of tribulation. 

We started the evening off with me re-enacting the story Pastor Mike told about Bob Reccord in his book, "Forged by Fire". I played an angry and bitter Bob who suffered from severe pain from a back injury. I was tired, dependent on medication, my left arm was useless, and I couldn't work anymore. Sitting outside on a cold and rainy day, I saw and heard a bird singing nearby. I was irritated by the bird's audacity to sing in such miserable weather, but the bird kept singing. Then the weather cleared and the sun came out and warmed things up. The bird was there still, singing just as before. Then it occurred to me that the bird sang in the cold rain as well as the sunny warmth. It didn't matter what his outward circumstances were. Internally, the bird had a song to sing joyfully. Convicted, I realized God was showing me that I too had the same choice as the bird. I could let my circumstances...pain, no job, left arm, and medication addiction shape my attitude and keep on living bitter, angry, and full of resentment. Or my attitude could rise above those circumstances and I could choose joy. 

No matter the weather, the birds still sing. That's because their singing has nothing to do with the weather.

We talked then to the youth and asked them the same question. What about them? Who do they "sing" to during difficult circumstances? Do they let those circumstances mold their attitudes? Do they try and choose to rise above those circumstances instead?

Next we gave each of the kids a piece of sponge. We had several sponges as well. We put one sponge into a shallow dish of water and let it soak it up. We told the kids that we are those sponges and time in prayer and studying God's Word is the water. The more we are immersed in time with God, the more the Holy Spirit can fill us.

Then we squeezed out our sponge. The "squeeze" represents the tribulations we go through. But if we are full of the Holy Spirit when those trials come, when we are squeezed, only an attitude that reflects that we are Spirit-filled will come out of us.....the fruits of the, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control.

At the same time, we had another sponge soaking up grape juice in a nearby dish. The grape juice represented the other things we choose to fill ourselves with besides God. We showed the kids that, when squeezed, nothing good came from those sponges...only what they had allowed themselves to be filled with,  which wasn't very pretty.

Sometimes, circumstances and influences we can't control come into our lives though. Again, we let our water sponge soak up as much water as it could hold. Then we placed it in the dish of grape juice, or things that would cause us to have bad attitudes. Because the sponge was already full of water, it could not soak up any of the grape juice in addition.

When we do what we can to make sure that we are full of the Holy Spirit by spending time with God everyday, things beyond our control that come along and try to rob is of our joy will not affect us the way they would if we were dry and shriveled up like an unsaturated sponge.

Only one thing is guaranteed in our walk with Christ. Squeezes will come! What will pour out of us when they do? We choose!