We started our next unit tonight talking about our identity in Christ. We began with this powerful YouTube.
We asked the kids to bring in their favorite hats this week. We discussed their hat choices.
- Tell us about the hat you brought today. Why did you choose it? What does it remind you of, or what does it represent?
- What does the hat say about you when you wear it?
- What are some jobs that are easy to identify because of the hats those workers wear?
When you see someone wearing an easily recognizable hat, you instantly know something about that person. It defines how that person makes a living-whether it's as a firefighter or a fast food employee or a nurse or an astronaut. The hat reveals that person's role-and to a degree, it tells us something about that person's identity. Imagine what it would be like if YOU wore different hats that described the different roles you play each day.
- What are some of the different "hats" you wear each day-in other words, what are some of the different roles you play?
- Think about one specific role you play. When you're in that role, who are you thinking about the most? When you're making a decision, who do you think about impressing-or not disappointing?
One of the most important tasks in life is understanding who we truly are. Our culture has trained us to believe that our value is found in what "hat" we wear. So we gain value from how good an athlete we are, how many friends we have, what kind of clothes we wear, how good our grades are. These are important things, but Jesus wants us to find our identity in him-your friendship with Jesus is the most significant decision you make in life, and it's a "hat" that ought to affect all areas of your life.
We talked about how our culture says to change hats frequently.
- What are some of the different peer groups you interact with each day-groups like artists, athletes, musicians, class clowns, bookworms, and so on?
- How often do you feel pressure to act or talk differently, depending on which peer group you're around? How does this pressure make you feel, and how do you respond to it?
- What are some of the "hats" you are trying to wear that feel impossible or are stressing you out?
- What are some of the BAD "hats" people want you to wear? Tell us about the stuff you've felt pressured to say or do.
- Romans 12:2 says followers of Jesus shouldn't "copy the behavior and customs of this world." How easy or difficult is it to obey this instruction?
At some point in time, we all feel pressured to act or talk a certain way to fit in with a specific group of people. Even adults feel this pressure! That's why it's so important to really think about those words from Romans 12:2. "Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think." God wants to change our thinking on this-and that leads us to our next teaching point.
God says to wear just one hat.
We read Colossians 3:17.
- What do you think it means to be "a representative of the Lord Jesus"?
- Based on this verse, what do you think Jesus would say about changing hats frequently? How might it affect your ability to be Jesus' representative in everything you do and everything you say?
- Think through your areas of commitment or responsibility or your roles in life. How might these areas of life look different if you saw yourself first and foremost as being a follower of Jesus?
- Why do you think God might want us to be defined by just one hat in life?
Wearing just one "hat" doesn't mean we ignore our responsibilities in life. It simply means that we find our identity in Jesus-we are loved, we are valued, we have a purpose in life, we have something to contribute, and we are made in God's image. We have the opportunity to be God's representative in a world that is broken and needs to be fixed through the love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ. When we choose to wear just one "hat" and find our identity in Jesus, we're able to fulfill our role as Jesus' representative.
We ended the night talking about how sometimes we find it difficult to find our identity in Christ because we don't believe that God can really use us for anything. We feel unqualified to identify with Christ. We watched The March of the Unqualified video then to see just how unqualified many of Jesus' followers in the Bible were...and how God used them despite their qualifications.
God can use anyone! Amen!