Tonight at ZG we have jumped into an exciting new three-week series examining the topic of who God is. The first week focused on God the Father, and we saw how he loves us, hears our prayers and provides for our needs.
To really understand now God provides for us... for our first activity each child became a creator and made a creature. Along with making a creature, the creature had to have a name, what food it needed to be fed, AND what they needed to survive. The creative side of the kids came out for sure!!!
We discussed that God does not provide out of obligation or guilt or manipulation. God provides because of a deep, unconditional perfect love for us. We encouraged the ZG'rs to remember all the big and small ways God has provided for them because the more we are aware, the more thankful we become - and the more we nurture our love for God.
We pray regularly for you and your family, and we hope you have an awesome God-blessed week!
Don't forget Memory Verse is Matthew 6:33 (NLT)
NEXT week we will enjoy a presentation from Team Haiti. Parents are invited to attend!