LOVED teaching the ZG'rs God's Word tonight!
We missed Mr John but know he had a GREAT opportunity to show Jesus' love to other kids!
We are beginning a three week series called Better Together. Our big theme is that we as followers of Christ need the local church as a place to grow together and fulfill God's plans and purposes for our lives.
To understand what the church is we watched this short video: it's bit silly
God created the church to be a place where we can develop deep, authentic friendships. Those kinds of relationships should lead us to genuinely care for others - and care and concern should lead to action. This week, the ZG'rs examined Acts 2:42-47, which reveals how the earliest followers of Jesus built solid friendships and put their concern into action. These Christians studied the apostles' teachings. They shared meals. They prayed. God used them to perform miracles. They met together, shared possessions, and sold things so they could help the needy. (Just like ZG'rs did last spring).
We encourage ZG'rs to see these verses as a model for what God desires. We can pursue and develop deep, authentic friendships, and we can care for one another. God's plan for the church hasn't changed.
In order to put "caring for one another" into practice... we made cards for those at Terrace Palms who aren't feeling well. I know they will feel the LOVE of God when they open the card!
The kids are doing great memorizing scripture. This week we are working on...
'And all the believers met together in one place and shared everything they had. They sold their property and possessions and shared the money with those in need.' Acts 2:44-45
I didn't print out a copy of the scripture memory ... please pass it on.
We pray that you and your family have a great week.
We missed you: Peyton, Keanu, Corrina, Mercella, and Victoria
Don't forget:
Glow Golf on Saturday from 1 - 3
Movie Night Outreach July 17... pray about who to invite.
Ms. Kim