Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!!

It was our 2nd annual Thanksgiving feast tonight and we celebrated with food, fellowship, and reflection on all of the blessings God has rained down on each of us. We also told each other how thankful we were to have one another in Zero Gravity. We taped a paper plate to each person's back and then took turns going around and writing one thing about that person we were thankful for on their plate. No one knew who wrote what, but each of us went home with a plate full of blessings.

We watched the PC kids get their mid-year awards then and also helped assemble 50 shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child. It was a packed night, but a good one.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Grafted In

Acts 13:46-48
Romans 11:11-24
John 15:1-5

We watched a Youtube video on tree grafting tonight. It resulted in different varieties of apples being able to grow on the same tree, as cut branches from the varieties had been grafted into the main stem of the host tree.

After reading our passages, we then discussed how we as believers have been grafted into the family of God and how God's word is not just for a select few. We discussed the parts of our host tree...Jesus. We talked about His roots that go down deep into the rich soil of the word to soak up all of it's nutrients. We talked about the tree's strong trunk able to withstand winds and inclement weather (trials and tribulations). We talked about the tree's branches always reaching towards the warmth of the sun overhead and our need for our heavenly Father on a daily basis. We related all of this tree's parts to our need for the same sustenance and how, when we become Christians, we are grafted into this tree and added as a branch shooting off from the main host tree. We also talked about how, apart from Christ (the Vine), we cannot bear fruit...or do anything for that matter.

We also got back on track and worked on our accountability notebooks with our partners tonight.