Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Daniel - Stand Up Against Peer Pressure

It was great to see the kids tonight!  We so enjoy having them at class and we know that their parents/grandparents make it happen!!  Thank you!

We missed Morgan, Butch, Keanu and Peyton!!

Before we started our lesson tonight, the kids decorated their Djibril notes and they are ready to be mailed.  If your child missed turning them in... bring them Sunday.

This week we launched a new three-week series on the topic of "Dangerous People".  Each lesson focuses  on a biblical character who did the right thing despite the risk of alienation, death or rejection.  We talked this week about Daniel, using Daniel 1 as our primary passage of Scripture.

Daniel and three friends chose in this chapter to do the right thing.  They were captives in Babylon, part of a group of young potential Israelite leaders who were taught about the government, culture, language and literature of Babylon - basically trained to serve in their captive land.  When told to follow the king's rich diet, they chose to go a different way.  At the end of 10 days, these four guys looked healthier than all the young people who followed the king's diet -showing that God's way clearly the better way.

We encouraged our students to recognize how doing the right thing:
Allows God to use us
Increases our Trust in God
Allows others to see God

We regularly pray for you and your family, and trust that this week is a great one for you!

Mr John and Ms Kim

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

You're One of Many Pieces

Tonight we completed the 3 part series called "Better Together".  

The first week we discussed the First Church and the need of the local church as a place to grow together and fulfill God's plans and purposes for our lives.

Then last week we discussed A New Command where focused on the "glue" of a healthy ministry - love.

This week we finished our "Better Together" series with a lesson called "You're One of Many Pieces".  We're continuing to see how as followers of Christ need the local church as a place to grow together and fulfill God's plans and purposed for our lives.  This week, we examined several New Testament passages that describe how the church is a body and a family.

Most of us battle one of two tendencies:  We either see  ourselves as better than we really are, or we see ourselves as less significant than we really are.  It's vital that we grasp Paul's messages in Romans 12:3:  Have an honest evaluation of who you are.  Don't think too highly or lowly; recognize that you're valuable, essential, important - and so is every follower of Christ. 

Our job is to find unique roles in the body, the family, the puzzle or the team, and then help others find their roles, too. We need to discover, develop, and use our spiritual gifts, passions, abilities, and experiences to honor God and serve others.  

To introduce the concept that we are one of many pieces, we put together a puzzle.  It had a few pieces missing.  We were able to "see" the picture still but it wasn't complete.  Missing pieces are those people who don't get connected to the body of Christ.  We all have a role to play a part at Terrace Palms and when we don't do "our" part... it hurts the whole body.

To remind us that we are one of many pieces - we all received a puzzle piece and wrote Romans 12:5 on the back - our memory verse:  We are many parts of one body, and we all belong to each other.

Thank you Victoria for Snacks!  
9/9 - Butch will bring snacks!
9/16 - Missions Night with guest speaker and backing toiletry bags for homeless
9/23 - Abbie brings snacks!
9/30 - NERF NIGHT!  Bring your nerf gun and bullets! (please don't buy one if you don't own one, we will have plenty to share)