Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Spirit-Filled Living

Ephesians 5:18-20 - Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another with psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit. Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

So tonight we discussed living a Spirit-Filled life and what that looks like.  We talked about how we can do nothing apart from being filled with the Spirit and how Christ has to increase as we decrease.  To show what that looks like in our lives, we gave the youth a familiar visual....with a ZG twist!

We had a bunch of objects sitting on the floor to represent all the activities, interests and possessions that have a place in our lives and in which we spend our time and money. One by one, we explained what each object represented and placed it in the jar.  We had a baseball for sports, some toys for stuff, a pencil for school, a small camera and paintbrush for hobbies, a few plastic animals for pets, some jewelry for fashion and our looks, an old iphone for technology, some fake money, a small airplane for travel and vacations, a plastic flute for music, a video game and a get the idea.

We asked the kids if the jar looked full to them then.  It was, but believe it or not, there was still space for several more items.  At this point, we began pouring in some small stones.  No matter how full our lives may seem, we always manage to add even more activities.  These smaller items represented events in our lives that aren’t constants, that aren’t an everyday part of our lives, youth group, birthday parties, band practice, etc...

We asked the kids again if they thought the jar was full.

We thought the jar was full after adding the objects, but it was still able to hold quite a few small stones. Now it looked full again, but if we poured in sand, what would happen?  Obviously, the jar would still be able to hold a fair amount of sand particles, meaning that no matter how full our lives, a schedule can always be readjusted and events moved because of emergencies or unexpected events, such as getting sick and having to go to the doctor, a forgotten science project due, getting last minute tickets to a sporting event or concert, etc...

We asked the kids again if they thought the jar was full.

Next we poured water into our jar, which represented the Holy Spirit.  At first, the kids were surprised by how much water the jar appeared to hold.  While it appeared to be a lot of water, we considered the following.  Because our lives (jar) are so full, and we are so busy, the Holy Spirit (water) is only able to fill those small areas that are left over.  In and of themselves, none of the items represented here are evil or bad.  Actually, most of them enrich and give our lives fulfillment.  But, like the scientific law that says no two objects can occupy the same space at the same time, the Holy Spirit (water) isn’t able to co-exist with the activities and possessions already in our lives.

Ephesians 5:18 doesn’t direct us to give the Holy Spirit our leftovers, or to only fill, or control, the crevices!!

Next we removed all the items that were in the jar and placed them in the sink, which left only the water, the Holy Spirit.  Now that the jar had been emptied of all the activities and events in our lives, we could really see just how much influence of the Holy Spirit (water) had been allowed into our life….not a whole lot.

Let’s go back to Ephesians 5:18.  To allow the Holy Spirit more influence in our lives, what has to happen? Since the activities and possessions in our lives are to be filled and controlled by the Spirit, then the Holy Spirit has to be the dominant occupier of the space.  God is the creator of this world and the author of science, so in His law two objects CAN occupy the same space.

Instead of replacing the objects as they were, because we knew it would put us back in the same dilemma of a self-controlled life, our activities would now be represented by sponges, which will allow the Holy Spirit (water) to be absorbed and co-exist in the same space.  We had a piece of sponge with each category represented by the objects that were originally in the jar.

As the activities/possessions were placed back in the jar, we asked the youth for their input as to how each activity could be filled or controlled by the Holy Spirit.  It’s really important that they understand how each object can have a spiritual use and that every area of their life can, and should, glorify the Lord.  For entertainment, remember to "be careful little eyes what you see,” or use the Entertainment as an outreach, or to disciple another, Music (that the music would be edifying and uplifting, i.e. praise/worship music), Pets (don’t abuse it, care for it as God would), Food (eat food good for the body), Security (place your fears and trust in the Lord), Sports (use it to exercise and care for the physical body God gave you or use it as an outreach), etc...

Now that the objects had been replaced by the sponges in the jar, and were co-existing with the Holy Spirit, we asked the youth what’s different?  There is a lot of room left over!  That means that we can allow the Holy Spirit even more control over our lives.  We poured the remaining water into the jar to illustrate this point.

This object lesson not only illustrated the significance and difference in our lives when we hand over our control to the Holy Spirit, but it was also a great illustration of Romans 12:1-2, focusing particularly on verse 2:

“I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.”

Now that's Spirit-filled living!!